Future Game Development: Exploring VR, AI and Blockchain Approaches

Which Will be One of the Approaches of Game Developers in the Future?

A trend the industry notes is the shift towards Virtual Reality (VR). This technology immerses players into a real-world-like virtual environment. Developers predict VR will create radically authentic gaming experiences, offering players opportunities to interact in three-dimensional game worlds as if they were physically present.

Example of this trend is Sony’s PlayStation VR, which offers an immersive gaming experience, so real it gives users a feeling of being in-game.

Blockchain technology presents an exciting frontier in gaming. Primarily known for its role in digital currencies such as Bitcoin, it’s capturing developers’ attention due to its potential to create decentralized and transparent gaming systems.

One instance showcases this potential – CryptoKitties. In this game, players collect and breed digital cats, with each cat being a unique non-fungible token on the Ethereum blockchain.

As make-believe worlds become exceptionally life-like, AI helps in improving game realism. Potent AI algorithms behind the scenes contribute to dynamic and interactive environments, reacting and adapting to player decisions on-the-fly.

Ubisoft’s ‘Rainbow Six Siege’ provides an example, where smart AI opponents challenge players with sophisticated tactical maneuvers. AI’s role isn’t confined to creating tougher adversaries, it’s also aiding in building responsive game worlds that adapt dynamically demonstrating the flexibility and power of AI in the future game development.

Detailed Look at Virtual Reality Gaming

Which Will be One of the Approaches of Game Developers in the Future? Virtual Reality (VR) gaming demonstrates an innovative trend among future game development approaches. This section underscores VR gaming, shedding light on its potential, advantages, limitations, and hurdles developers may encounter.

VR gaming does not just offer a game—it provides an immersive experience. By simulating real-world interactions, VR propels gaming beyond flat screens into a three-dimensional realm. For example, games like ‘Half-Life: Alyx,’ and ‘Superhot VR’ have pushed the envelope of VR gaming, enabling players to interact with the game environment as they would in reality.

Potential-wise, VR carries an enormous capacity for growth. According to data from Statista, the VR gaming market revenue worldwide in 2020 was approximately 19.5 billion U.S. dollars, projected to reach around 22.9 billion U.S. dollars in 2024. To put this in perspective, imagine the entirety of Greece’s tourist revenue being dedicated solely to VR games.

However, with every new technology, constraints invariably appear. Creating high-quality VR games requires a substantial amount of resources, as it demands complex programming and expensive hardware. For instance, creating realistic graphics for VR games not only demands higher processing power but also superior display technology, which can elevate costs exponentially.

Another challenge springs from the difficulties tied to player motion sickness in VR. Some players experience dizziness and nausea during or after playing VR games, an issue associated with the discrepancy between perceived motion in the game and the actual physical motion of the player.

Blockchain in Gaming: A New Trend

Which Will be One of the Approaches of Game Developers in the Future? An emerging phenomena in the gaming industry, Blockchain technology presents opportunities to revolutionize several aspects of game development and gameplay. Blockchain’s cryptographic assurance offers intriguing enhancements on aspects including tokenization and user ownership.

Tokenization, another significant potential application area of the Blockchain in gaming, introduces an additional level of engagement for the gaming community. In simple terms, tokenization implies the digital representation of rights to a certain asset on a blockchain. Games like ‘CryptoKitties’ already employ this and have demonstrated its capabilities.

A clear instance is the creation of non-fungible tokens (NFTs) which represent unique in-game items. For example, armor sets, legendary weapons, and rare items or collectibles could embody these tokens. The NFTs are indisputably owned by the player and can be bought, sold, or traded on the blockchain. With this, a different stratum of player commitment and monetization emerges, forging a rich, decentralized and participatory gaming economy.

The concept of user ownership is another pivotal point where blockchain can radically transform gaming. Conventional gaming models consider in-game assets as the property of the game developers or publishers. With Blockchain, however, the tables turn, granting players true ownership of the assets they earn or acquire in-game.

An illustrative example is items or characters that players painstakingly earn or create becoming indisputably theirs. They’re free to trade, sell or transfer these items, without the mandate of game developers. Games like ‘Decentraland’ are leveraging this, propelling an enhanced level of player sovereignty.